Fed up with Magento?
Fed Up with Magento? It’s pretty clunky isn’t it? Although new from the ground up in 2019 it immediately felt like something from the .com dark ages. And if you look under the hood you’ll find it’s built on already outdated technology vis. Zend Framework 1, Prototype JS, KnockoutJS
Whilst a huge number of companies use Magento, it’s genearally considered by web agencies not be part of the future of E-commerce and you are not alone if you are looking to change.
Where shall we start?
- Want to say no to buying cache warmers and page accelerators just to get it to work
- Tired of needing to flush the cache after every simple change
- Bored of watching and waiting for products to update
- Poorer by having to add countless add-ons just to get the most basic things done
- Frustrated at waiting for basic functions in the admin to run, such as search
- Want easy WordPress integration
- Would prefer a proper integrated developed CMS without paying extortionate amounts for Magento Commerce
- Do you want SEO built in and URLs structured how you choose them
- Surprised that you need to buy add-on modules just for security
- Want intelligent product import with proper error feedback
- Want a coherent email template editor made for human beings
- Prefer not to pay for countless plugins and to continually update them, along with the cost
- Flummoxed by Blocks and Widgets
- Seasick from the number of configuration options within your admin panels
- Astounded by the enormous hosting requirements and costs
There is an entire industry based around getting Magento to work and behave properly and that’s before you get into the fine detail of customer requirements.
This all seemed wrong to us. So we decided to not only develop our own e-commerce software but also to reinvent the agency model.
If you recognise any of these issues in Magento then upgrade with us. We’re not even going to charge you
We’re so confident in our e-commerce software that we’re going to commit to building your site for free* in return for a share of revenue.
*for qualifying companies